Carol Dweck


What I learned from Carol Dweck:

Many people have written about mindset but Carol seems to have hit the nail squarely on the head with her latest dissertation.

Her popular book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, postulates there is a marked difference between what Carol, a very highly respected psychologist at Stanford University, classifies in the study as growth and fixed mindsets.

Wikipedia's synopsis of the book "Mindset" includes:

"The premise of "Mindset" is the idea that people either exercise a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. Those with a fixed mindset believe their talents and abilities cannot be improved through any means. They feel that they are born with a certain amount of talent and typically do not wish to challenge their abilities because of possible failure. Individuals with a fixed mindset frequently guard themselves against situations in which they feel they need to prove their personal worth. Challenges are frequently viewed with negativity, instead of as a personal growth opportunity.

People that practice a growth mindset believe intelligence, talents, and abilities can be developed over time. They believe abilities, such as athleticism and mathematical capabilities, can be improved through hard work and persistence. When presented with an obstacle, those practicing a growth mindset tend to rise to the challenge. Often, people of the growth mindset do not fear failure; instead, they choose to see failure as an opportunity for personal growth."

Seems like the growth mindset people would enjoy the company of those like minded and the fixed would also.

Isn't it all about choice - which mindset relationships you want to associate yourself with - and an honest appraisal of self?

So do an honest appraisal of yourself or have an objective person help. Then evaluate what results, relationships and reputation you are reaping from your mindset, if you don't like it change it:


That's what I learned from Carol Dweck.

Learn more about Carol Dweck:

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