The Best

Measure & Focus.

What I Learned from The Best.

Over half a century of observing, reading about and working with some of the very best humanity has to offer has humbled, frustrated and inspired me. Humbled because of how little I have done compared to them. Frustrated because of the limited time line each of us is given. And Inspired each and every day as I encounter another opportunity to do something with what they taught me. So what did I learn?

What Do The Best Do?
  • The Best Move from Good to Better to Best.
  • The Best "Measure What they Manage"
  • The Best Focus on "Results not Reasons".

Measure themselves against a metric, a standard. Any standard.


Measure themselves against a competitive other, whether it be a person, group or standard.They strive to beat the best.


Measure themselves against their own potential, becoming the best that they can be. They strive for Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)
A Constant and Continuous struggle to Better Themselves.

These are not attempts to improve. The Best don't Try - They Do.
The Best Measure what they Do and Improve upon the standard.

From Colonel Hackworth to Lee Iacocca. From John Doe to John Wooden. From Silent Service with Quiet Professionals to Quarterly Quotas in the Boardrooms of Business. I never tire of learning from those that strive and move from Good to Better and Better to Best.

The Best Measure What they Manage.
The Best Focus on Results not Reasons.

Measure and Focus.

That's what I Learned from the Best

Learn what else the Best Do:

Fortune Article

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